Height Restrictions

Hi…I’m a parent of a daughter about to embark on a career in aviation. She is 5’ tall and missed out on progressing with the Australian Defense Force due to height restrictions. She has got a place to commence an aviation degree and keen on joining a major commercial airline in the future.

I’ve been doing a bit of research for her and see that airline like Cathy & British Airways have height restrictions of 5’2". Is this common across most major commercial carriers? Will her height be a major limiting factor going forward?

Appreciate any feedback…Cheers


As you found out some airlines do have height restrictions for their pilots BUT the good news is not all (at least not in the US). I suggest you check with the carriers she’s interested in to be sure but I’m quite certain she’ll find a place somewhere as I know pilots who are the same height.


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You will need to check with the airlines in your country and see what their requirements are, it does sound like she may run into a few issues though. If this is the case, I would be hesitant to spend the money on flight training.
