How many 'consecutive' days can a Pilot potentially request off in a year?

How many consecutive days off can the average pilot expect to be given in a year? I ask this because for some people, there obviously comes a time in life when you’re settled down with a wife/girlfriend/kids. I think ideally every family man would want to have at least one guaranteed week or two off in the year to travel or stay at home with them. So I’m just curious if Pilots are able to take a week or so off to travel or stay at home. And this is changing the topic a bit, but I’d hope the Airlines grant a day or two off during a family emergency as well.


At United pilots begin with two weeks of vacation per year and eventually work up to five weeks off. This is in addition to the time that they are normally off in a month, which is between 12 and 18 days. Even in a non vacation month it is sometimes possible to get five to seven consecutive days off. This is pretty standard across the industry.

Airlines will typically grant days off for legitimate family emergencies, they are pretty good about this. All of the airlines that I have worked for have really emphasized the importance of family.


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As Chris said all airlines provide vacation time (2 weeks here at Hawaiian as well after the first year) so that’s easy. As for scheduling as with many things seniority can help greatly. I live in Hawaii but my family all live in NY. I have no issue putting most of my days off together and routinely get 7-10 days in a row off every month.

I’ve also never had a problem with any family issues BUT I also work hard at being a good employee. I have worked in the Chief Pilot’s office and if you’re the guy who’s used all his vacation and sick days and Grandma suddenly gets gravely ill on Super Bowl Sunday and then posts pics of you and your friends at Buffalo Wild Wings you might have an issue?


what happens if you have a family emergency and suddenly need a few weeks off? (assuming you’re out of vacation days). can you be on temporary leave from the airline without having to start over with seniority?


Airline pilots are covered under the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act, plus most airline contracts make some allowances for such things. The airlines understand that we are people, not robots and that things will come up. As long as the leave is within reason, there will not be any seniority issues.


That’s great Chris. Just curious, how long does it take for that 5 weeks to kick in?


I believe that the five weeks kicks in at twenty years. I am at twelve years and have three weeks of vacation.


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