Does anyone know how is to study at that school ATP? Like, is it like to study at a university? I know it’s not the same but I mean, you go to the school and there will be someone who will teach all the chapters of the book or you will study at home and you just go to the school to clarify parts that you didn’t understand? I’m sorry if my question is too silly but I wanted to understand how it is because I have zero knowledge about it and I’m also an immigrant and despite my English is good, I always wondered if it’s good enough to study something like aviation.
ATP was created by airline pilots to train airline pilots and the program was modeled after actual airline training. To answer your question ATP is nothing like University classes. You will provided with all the tools necessary to be successful and yes there will be some ground school classes but the bulk of the learning will be on you. The number one reason people fail the program is a failure to do the work. The instructors are there to help and clarify but without question you’ll be doing the heavy lifting. If this sounds daunting you should know its the same at the airlines. No one will be holding your hand. You’ll be given the information but it’s up to you to learn it.
One other thing. You state your English is “good”, but the very subject line of your post would say otherwise. Pilots must be able to communicate well and all pilots must be English proficient. You might want to work on it.
There are MANY ways that you can study for ATP, the “best approach,” that’s dependent on you. While ATP lays out the training program, it takes self-discipline, maturity, and effort, it’s simply a self-study course. When students enroll into the ACPP, they unlock hundreds of resources, which are available to their fingertips. As a student, you will have what ATP calls, “Read/View/Do’s” which should you complete before the lesson… it ultimately helps you come prepared. Being prepared for every lesson is extremely important.
ATP is nothing like college or university.
I recommend spending some valuable time throughout the section Student Experiences, as there are hundreds of posts which provide tips, tricks and other’s experiences on how they were successful throughout their program.
My question to you, do you have flight experience? What makes you want to become a pilot. Without much information, where do you stand in the journey of becoming a pilot?
Hi Adam, thank you for answering my question.
I’ve been in a flight school before just to get information and I was just curious if all the schools were like that (studying by yourself and having the mentors to clarify the parts you didn’t understand).
I just wanted to add one more point by saying that studying this way is not scary, maybe my question hit you in a different way. I have already taken trial classes and I have taken off and controlled a private plane by myself next to an instructor and it was wonderful.
No one has ever held my hand to help me do anything and I know that ii wasn’t going to change now.
About English, when I said that my English is good, I meant that my English is understandable and I only addressed this subject because one of my big doubts is exactly whether my English is good enough to start this journey because I know it is a totally different English, but as a pilot already told me before, it is all practice.
Thank you again for your advise.
I just wanted to
Hi Brady, thank you for answering, now I can see a little better what’s like to study aviation. I’ve been flying around the world as a passenger and a few years ago I had this desire to fly a plane. I took some flying lessons in a private plane to see if I would really like doing it and the experience for me was wonderful, I was even more motivated to achieve this goal after that. So this is where I am in this journey, a guy looking for information and about to start the first private pilot course in California.
Are you a US citizen or have a permanent resident status? This is required to study at ATP.
Yes, have a permanent resident status.
Hiya Anderson,
I can only speak to my own experience. But what I’ve seen Adam and others indicate rings true. ATP is not like a university. The structure resembles that of an airline. There is a lesson for which there is a host of preparatory materials, success in the lesson is predicated on your ability to do the prep work effectively. I always ensured my tasks were completed early, I wasn’t afraid to stay late, engage I group study, or attend elevates to fill in the gaps. The trouble is in most cases without that prep you won’t know what you don’t know. Even if completing that required reading only leaves a host of questions, that’s progress. I encourage you to explore the website, use the tools, and use whatever your most effective self study method is. For me this was a quiet room.
I hope this was in some way helpful!
All the best drinking from the proverbial fire hose.