Instructor jobs with ATP

So when you do get your instructor job with ATP, is it at a school that they have an opening at? Or can you pick where you want to go? Thanks.


When the time comes ATP will provide you with a list of available locations. While they’d love to give everyone their first choice, it simply wouldn’t be fair to overload a location. Pilots instruct to build time and it’s not good to have a bunch of instructors sitting around and not flying because there aren’t enough students at a particular location. That would be counterproductive. Again they’ll give you a number of choices at which point you can decide. If the location you want has a vacancy that’s great, problem solved. If not hopefully there’s another location that works for you and submit a request to move should there be an opening. Finally you can of course take your licenses and seek work elsewhere. Again the choice is yours but at least you’ll have options.


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Ok thanks Adam!