IRA/FII Same Day

Hi all,

I had a couple quick questions on taking the IRA/FII the same day. I have been using Shepherd Air to prepare for the exams and I wanted to ask if it common to use only the Shepherd Air IRA test bank to prepare for both exams? I had asked about the option of the FII course prep, but from what I understand you are only able to use one course at a time. Are the test banks similar enough to prepare you for both exams? Feedback appreciated.




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Hi Kyle,

Following advice from this forum, I prepared for both the IRA and FII exams using just the Sheppard Air IRA question bank, skipping the FII study bank. I scored 95% on the IRA and 92% on the FII, dedicating a little over a week to study. The content overlap between the IRA and FII is significant, and I only saw two unfamiliar questions on my FII exam. That’s not to say that there aren’t more, but that’s all I saw.

The consensus here was right; mastering the IRA material through rote memorization is the key to excelling in the FII. Emphasizing memorization over deep conceptual understanding proved to be the most effective strategy for this test. There will be plenty of time for concept mastery during your ATP program.

Best of luck with your exams!



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How do you get the endorsements to take all of your writtens before going to school?


Any of the test prep companies will send you an endorsement with proof of 3 successful practice tests (usually with a score of 90+).

Also, if you’re enrolled in the ATP program you can get an endorsement from an instructor there.



Besides the company giving you an endorsement once they are confident in your ability to pass, an instructor would also be someone to seek. If you are enrolled at ATP, once you pass 3 practice exams 90% or better, you would receive the endorsement from your primary instructor. If you are at a smaller-scale flight school, you will have to either reach out how they endorse or find the software that provides the endorsement (I believe Sporty’s grants an endorsement at a penny).

The Airman Knowledge Tests (aka ‘writtens’) are only valid for 24 calendar months so there is a thing called, “TOO SOON.” When are you planning on attending flight school?

Thank you everyone for your replies. I am currently waiting on my paperwork from the FAA for my first class medical. I would like to go to ATP Concord sooner rather than later. I have 108 hours total time with 17 hours cross country. I haven’t flown in almost 20 years due to finances etc. I have yet to talk with admissions as I am waiting for the medical. Do I need to have my flight review before applying?


I don’t believe so but that’s really a question for admissions. More important Id recommend a bit more than just a flight review of its been 20yrs. When you start the program with your PPL, ATP expects your not only to be current and qualified, but a VERY proficient Private Pilot as you’ll be diving right into Instrument work.



This topic came up before I completed my time as an instructor at ATP: ATP does not conduct flight reviews and before you can act as PIC, you MUST have a recent flight review completed outside of ATP. Unless something changed, I believe you still need to be current before you attend ATP. Let us know what you find out, I am curious if my memory serves me well or if something changed.


I received my First Class Medical in the mail on Wednesday. I called ATP admissions and asked about the flight review. They said ATP does not do them and in addition you must have at least 10 hours of flight time in the last 90 days before they will take you on the admissions flight, which is a mini check ride.

Thank you for your help,

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Thanks for sharing the answer you got from Admissions. This will help others in similar shoes.



If you go to your local FSDO, you can find someone in your area that will be able to give you a flight review. It would probably be a good idea before doing your admissions flight.
