Job shadowing?

Upcoming senior year I have to job shadow someone and id like to do a pilot. Is this possible?


Due to security and logistical reasons this is not possible. About as close as you will be able to get is this forum.


What a bummer lol. Oh well, I guess I’ll just job shadow someone boring.

Dakota, it would be extremely hard for charter as they have two pilots as well. The corporate side is a bit different and they often have single pilot ops. You could look around at companies that have a flight department. That would the only thing I could think of. It’s worth a shot.

It’s ironic you ask that question the day after 9/11. While the tragic loss of life was obviously the most heinous part of that day, a minor byproduct was no more passenger jumpseating. No visits, no family, no aspiring young people. It’s been 16 years and we still feel the ripples. Sad.
