Take care of yourself with that sinus infection, you do not want to be flying around with congestion or pressure in your body… that can result in a bad day. As someone who has experienced a sinus infection on the last day of a trip and not realizing it until the last leg when we flew at a much higher altitude and longer leg, it can hurt as the pressure tries to find its way. Make sure you’re staying hydrated and getting plenty of rest.
As per not feeling ready, I recommend connecting with your instructor regularly and inquiring on what you should be studying. Did you complete any of the writtens from previous discussion? I scrolled up to see if there was an update since and didn’t see. Use your resources wisely, your peers in the training center have a lot of valuable knowledge and wisdom as well. Don’t hesitate to ask your colleagues for help, and I’m a believer of hanging out in the training center whenever you don’t have a lesson as you surround yourself with successful peers who can help you!
Thank you Chris & Brady. I did complete 3 of 6 required tests and scored: PAR 97%, IRA & FII 100%. I heard the IGI has a lot in common with the FII & IRA, I’d like to take that one too. Currently studying for CAX using Sheppard Air. My instructor has always been for me teaching grounds (the weather has been terrible) and answers all of my questions in a way that I understand. He says he’s happy with my progress and I’m where I should be. I’m taking that as my study habits are working. But like I said earlier before “Day 1” I didn’t want to be unprepared so I devoted time each day studying everything about the upcoming lessons I was scheduled for. The students that started the program before me are super helpful as well. My sinuses cleared up as well so today I got to taxi out to the run up area for the first time and while performing the checks a piper cub pulled up about 100ft of my Rt wing to perform their checks. Usually it’s another car pulling up next to me at a traffic light, today it was another plane pulling up next to me on the ramp. Awesome!
Seems like things are progressing good and I’m glad you got into the airplane! Isn’t it fun when another airplane rolls up next to you? I always look up when we’re taxiing by the Dreamliners and I’m sitting 6-7 feet off the ground while that crew is tens feet up in the air. Please keep us posted when you get the chance, seems like the fun is just getting started.
This is exactly what you should be doing! You figured out the secret to success pretty quickly
Since you are ahead on the written exams (great scores by the way) you have extra time to focus on preparing for the next flight or sim. The lesson outlines are provided for that reason so you can review what’s coming, study the associated ground knowledge elements and use the time in the airplane for applying that knowledge.