Looking forward to join ATP flight school

Hi everyone
Just joined this community and im looking forward to join ATP flight school.
Currently im a flatbed truck driver. I drive long distance routes basically coast to coast every week.
I have decided to start an aviation career and become an airline pilot but honestly i dont know much about aviation and the right steps i should take to become one.
I know i love flying i have tried being a passanger and experience a lot of flights and i find that very fascinating so thats why im thinking doing so.
I would like to have a conversation or be in touch with someone who has already been there and done that.
If that is possible i would appreciate that a lot.
Thank you.


That is literally the purpose of this forum. To answer questions for perspective pilots and give them some insight into the path. With that in mind I have 2 recommendations. First spend some time browsing this forum, particularly the FAQ section and ATPs website (www.ATPFlightSchool.com). There is a ton of great info there including the path to becoming a pilot. Second you should take an intro flight or lesson. While being a passenger is great, sitting up front at the controls of a small training aircraft is a very different experience and something you really need to do before you commit to this career.



We are happy to help you along the way. Your first step is to check out the FAQ section and read through both this and ATP’s website as there is a ton of information on both. After that, we would be happy to help answer any questions you may have.


Welcome to the forum! We are glad that you’re here. It’s exciting to think about such a big life change. I’ll tell ya one thing, there’s never been a better time to be a pilot. I think the best thing you can do now is to take an intro flight. If you get up in a small trainer and hate it, no need to research any further. However, if you catch the flying bug, which most do, well then there’s so much more discussions to be had to get you on your path towards flight training.

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