Does ATP train corporate/ commercial pilots or airline pilots only?
Hi Dave and Welcome!
Good question. If you visit the ATP website there sure is a whole lot of talk about becoming an airline pilot so I’m sure that’s where your question comes from. The answer is ATP trains people to be professional pilots and for pilot careers in aviation. ANY pilot career. I suspect there’s so much about the airlines (incl calling their program the Airline Career Pilot Program) because that’s the “Big Show” and where the majority of pilot’s eventually would like to end up but clearly not all.
When you complete the program you will have all the licenses and rating required by law to be a professional (paid) pilot. What you chose to do with those qualifications is entirely up to you. An airline pilot and a corporate pilot have the same licenses (there are no separate corporate licenses). The main difference is a few years ago the govt changed the requirements for working at an airline now requiring all airline pilots to have an ATP (Airline Transport Pilot) license (min 1500hrs) while corporate pilots are only REQUIRED to have a Commercial Pilot License. I stress the word required because most corporate gigs will also want an ATP even though it’s not the law. Also keep in mind there are far less corporate slots than airline slots so even if you aspire to fly corporate, there’s a good chance you’ll find yourself at least at a Regional before they’ll even consider you. Unless of course your dad’s the CEO and wants you to fly the company GV, then you’re in!
Thanks so much for the quick reply! I’m 45 so I’ve perused all the “age” questions others have asked! I’m trying to weigh the cost of the student loan vs years of flying time left. Lol! What is the typical beginning schedule for flying regionals?
I’m just chillin’ on the beach sitting reserve which explains my quick response.
The answer to your question is there is no such thing as a typical schedule for a new pilot at a Regional. The reason is (as you’ve probably read) seniority rules at the airlines and when you’re new you have none. Chances are you’ll be on reserve (on call) and you’ll fly when, where and how long the airline needs you to. Day trips and 2, 3, 4 day trips, single leg days and days with 6 legs. You may even score and coverage is good and you’ll end up not flying at all for a week. As you gain seniority you’ll gain control over your schedule (and hence your life) but until then there’s nothing typical.
Sounds like fun! Thanks again.