Questions to ask during introductory flight

Hello all,

Short update:

I’m in the middle of studying for my PPL with Martha and John! It’s been such a great learning experience.

I would also like to see if anyone had any recommendations for:

  1. Kneeboard for one of the larger iPads
  2. Flashlight
  3. View limiting device. I wear glasses so I do not think the goggles will work correct, surely there has to be something…I hope!
  4. The Wanaroam backpack I received in my welcome package is awesome, but I’m not sure its the best to use as a travel bag for the cross country phase. Any recommendations on a nice travel bag?

Thank you, Matt


I am huge fans of Martha and John and I must tell you, they are incredibly nice in person.

I will let others with more recent experience chime in on the kneeboard and flashlights.

For the view limiting device, I am a fan of the old hood. I feel that it does a much better job of actually limiting your view, which means that the quality of training is better.

For an overnight bag I always just carried a duffle bag, nothing fancy.


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I did a quick Amazon search for my kneeboard couldn’t find one I liked, paid around $20 for it through Sporty’s Pilot Shop, I used it for most of my instrument phase until I bought a yoke mount. If you do a quick Google search for the iPad you have and ‘kneeboard’, all you really need to find is one that is velcroable and holds your tablet in place, unless you want to buy one of the clipboard style ones.

For a flashlight, don’t go super cheap because the button to activate the light will pop out of place and never work right again…I found out the hard way. You will want one that has red/green lens capable, brand doesn’t matter, it’s for preflighting the plane at night.

For the view limiting device, I used the standard “Instant IFR Training Glasses” from Sporty’s Pilot Shop, I found that the sun beating through them got me sick at one point under turbulent conditions on a hot summer day. I know some that have the black style that shade out the sun and have heard really positive things from.

As for the backpack, I used my Dakine ATP backpack for most of my training at ATP, I wish for crew phase of the program I took a carry-on roller bag with me…going through TSA with two backpacks was the struggle, and trying to remove all my electronics became a challenge with all my gear lugging around. One student from the TTN location reached out and asked my my opinion and I told her a good idea was a carry-on, thankfully she did because she got stuck multiple times away from base for an extended period of time. You never know with weather for how long or where you could get stranded. Airlines are nice with allowing a backpack and a carry-on, as long as the backpack can fit under the seat in front of you, or you find extra room above in the bins.


Chris, Brady,

Thanks for the suggestions, for the view limiting device it seems like the hood will be my only option as I wear glasses.



I wear glasses too, that is one of the other reasons I like the hood.


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I don’t wear glasses but I liked the hood too. Looks funny but I preferred it to the other VLDs.


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I wore the clear “foggles” and didn’t mind using them. However I don’t wear glasses so I could see that being an issue. A few students of mine could fit their glasses underneath the foggles but if you don’t mind the size of the hood in the cockpit, it will probably be the easier option.


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Chris, Tory, Hannah,

Thanks for the advice! I’ll probably go with the hood, kind of reminds me of a dog cone haha



Hey All,

Just about 20 days from my start date (April 12th), I’m super excited!

Quick question, for the headset (I’ve settled on Bose and built it into my loan) do I need the plug to be:
5-Pin XLR
Dual Pin

Thanks, Matt

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Awesome! It will be here before you know it! You need the dual pin (also called GA plug or twin plug).


Sweet Matt! I don’t recall reading how many of the written tests you were able to complete. Were you able to get any of those done?



Dual Pin: GA and most Commercial aircraft
U-174: Helicopter
5 Pin XLR: ScareBus
6 Pin: powered dedicated airplane plug


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Hannah, Adam,

Thanks, Dual Pin it is!



I passed the PAR, and this week I have the IRA and FII scheduled. Hoping to be able to take the CAX, FIA and FOI before my start date as well! I’m also looking to take the IGI as well, maybe toward the end of this week since its the same Q bank as the IRA


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Off to a good start, Matt! Thank you for setting a good example.




Older 320s use dual pin as well.



I am glad that you are planning on completing so many written exams. This will be a huge advantage for you when in the program.


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Thanks, Chris!


Nice work on getting the head start, completing those exams prior to starting the flying portion will set you ahead and give you momentum to keep progressing forward.

Look forward to meeting you come the end of April!


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Thanks Brady,

See you soon!


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