Regional comparison

Just a brief info on myself. I am currently a junior in college and I plan on attending ATP once I graduate. My goal is to fly for Delta one day but I know I’ll have to fly at a regional for a while. Since I live in the Boston area would it be more beneficial to work for an airline like Pen Air because of its BOS base, or would I have a better chance at Delta if I worked for one of the Delta Connection carriers flying jets instead of turboprops. Thanks for the help.

Hello Jack and Welcome,

Good question. Ultimately the decision is yours and what works best for you and your life. Personally I’ve never been a fan of commuting and feel it should be avoided if at all possible. Now recently Delta set up “guaranteed Delta interviews” with 2 of their Regional partners (Endeavor and Compass). That would seem to easily answer your question if your goal is to fly for Delta BUT if you read the fine print it basically says Delta can cancel the program at any time at their discretion so is it really a guarantee? In my mind it is as long as Delta needs pilots (which should be for years based on their projections) and why wouldn’t they? It provides a steady stream of pre-interviewed pilot’s who are already familiar with the Delta system. The good news is you’ve got a few years before you’ll need to make the decision and by then you can assess how the program is working for guys at those 2 airlines and make a more informed decision based on that.


Thanks Adam! Have a good day.


I’m a pilot Jack, I ALWAYS have a good day! :grin: