Starting soon?


If you’ve seen some recent threads, we recommend taking the IRA and FII at the SAME time, so short answer - you only need the IRA Sheppard Air to study for both. The reason being, they use the same test bank and if you score well on one you will do fine on the other. You may see a few different questions given the algorithm of test. Continue using your IRA test prep to study for the FII while you wait for Friday.


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Nice job on the IRA! Sounds like you’ve been very productive with your time since getting your start date. That will pay off.

If you still have access to the IRA question bank, just keep taking practice tests this week to keep it fresh for the FII. No since in paying for the new bank when only a handful of questions are different.


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Took my FII got a 96%! On to CAX!


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Congrats on the 96%! Seems like things are going well.


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Great job on both of those writtens! Keep up that kind of work and you will do well in the program.


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CAX complete with a 97%! 2 more left! Studied 8 days for this, giving that I was not working Monday through Friday and only working on the weekends! This gives a brief time on how much I studied for the CAX.



Keep it rolling, that’s a solid score! 2 more!!


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Great job, keep it up.


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I am back with a 99% for my FIA! Hopefully I can finish FOI before August!



NICE WORK! I think you could pound out the FOI by August, the question bank is smaller compared to the rest.


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Awesome work, keep it up!


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For better or worse, the FOI is unlike any exam you’ve taken so far. It’s not based on any aviation topics rather the psychology of learning, hence the name “Fundamentals of Instructing” (FOI). Some find it easier to knock out, others harder. But as Brady said, it’s a smaller test bank!


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Last written done with a 98% for the FOI! This one was difficult at first, but found a way to study and get used to the wordings.

I started studying for PAR 6/13 and finished 6 writtens until today finishing the FOI which is 7/29 overall total 46 days including completing ATP orientation videos within it as well. One thing I learned from this is that be overly prepared rather than rush for the test, learned the lesson for my PAR written.

I still have some time until my class date which is September 25th, I plan on taking a break then maybe mid August or September I start on studying the answers I got wrong for my PAR.

I’ve heard about you can get ahead as well for studying flows and maneuvers, watching some private pilot elevate videos, reading the POH, know the Vspeeds as well. I will certainly work on it after my small 2-3 week break✌️




Congrats on getting all your writtens knocked out now, that’s honestly such a reward in itself. This is one of those testimonies: I did it in a short period of time, you can too. Way to go!

You have plenty of time to get studying your Training Supplement and all, I look forward to seeing your progress. You deserve a few days to yourself after the hard work of knocking 7 writtens out in 46 days.


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I have a question regarding the iPad, I have an iPad pro 12.9, is it better if I trade in for a iPad 9th Gen(10.9) or I keep the 12.9? I will be training in a Cessna so hopefully there is enough space.



That is all preferential to you, I personally liked my iPad Mini during flight training because you are limited to space in training airplanes. Everyone has their own opinions on this, my iPad Mini worked fine for me as a student and instructor, some that do have the bigger iPads end up getting keyboards and working off it more as an instructor, especially during debriefs.

Depending on when you go it, you may be able to try it out and if it’s ‘too big’, exchange for a smaller size.


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I think the 12.9" will be a bit much for you as a student in the cockpit. If you can, go up with a CFI at a local school and see how it goes. If it bugs you, see if you can trade it in or keep it for ground study. I think it will come in handy later as an instructor though. I ended up getting that size to keep up with scheduling my students, zoom meetings and writing debrief notes.


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Hi Hannah,
I will prob try an hour flight in the ipad in the airplane at a local flight school to try it out, thank you!


Hi Brady,
I do like my screens big, but too big is of course an problem, I might decide to switch it out after trying it at the plane in a local school. I am still enjoying my small break, I will start studying the POH and the wrong questions on my PAR.

Thank you,

Hi Brandon,

I start classes literally a week after you(10/2) so its been fun reading about your progress so far. I’ve also completed most my writtens, with the last one(FOI) scheduled for tuesday. As the starting date gets closer I’ve been getting some of the supplies we need but still unsure which iPad size to get. I want the Air for the screen size and performance but, Ive read the reviews/recs online and its seems like the mini is the way to go if the focus is flying. Please update this forum if you decide on switching your Ipad after trying it out. Thanks!
