Hey guys, thank you for your replies.
Yes, thinking about it this morning at work, $200000 is patently ridiculous as a figure for me to suggest flight training will cost. However, I am sure I read that somewhere. As I understand things in the US pilots need to take a degree also? Perhaps whoever came up with the $200k figure was including the cost of the degree/ living expenses etc.?
I agree wholeheartedly that $200000 is not what pilot training will cost anybody. I apologize for making such a stupid statement!
Chris said
“Flight training in the US, especially with ATP, should never cost $200,000. ATP’s full program costs $65,995, plus roughly $7,000 in examiner’s fees, plus some living expenses, so let’s say $76,000, which is a far cry from $200,000.”
Whilst we now agree $200k is way inflated, I feel it is however important to state that whenever a flight training school posits a figure for the “full cost” of a program to ATPL, most people will need more hours than the stated minima for each section of training. And a failed check ride/ exam can increase the cost significantly.
Hey! I’m not here to rain on anyone’s parade! I love flying, I am glad I undertook the training, even though I am yet to land a job. Just be aware of exactly what you may need to commit to. My advice would be to take the school’s figure, and add 20%, to be on the safe side.
Adam said
“if you get trained, earn your licenses and ratings and build 1500hrs, YOU WILL GET HIRED!”
In effect, Adam, you are only repeating the point I was making, which is that in the US you will need to build that 1500 hours before getting hired…and that will involve significant work as, probably, a flight instructor.
I hope I wasn’t coming across as putting a downer on the career…most all of the guys I qualified with went on to have great success with major carriers across the globe. Some are training captains with Etihad, others short haul captains in the EU. And now is probably the best time in history to train as a pilot.
If you have that dream, and you have access to the funds to pursue it, go for it! I am still hoping I will get my chance soon. Things really are looking super positive the world over with regards to pilot hiring, and the shortfall in qualified crew looks set to get worse, if anything.
All I am saying is go into this with your eyes wide open. Add a percentage to your budget in case you need excess training (likely). Be aware that historically the airline pilot hiring cycle is one of boom and bust…aviation is very susceptible to political and economic events, and it only takes a major issue somewhere to turn boom into bust. And also, be aware that you are trying to get in to a career where responsibility is the name of the game. Nobody is going to give you the responsibility to pilot an airliner if you cannot even manage your own life responsibly. No drugs, no DUI, no criminal record. The US is even stricter on criminal records than the UK, where we have a system of rehabilitation of offenders. And if you do start training, make a good impression on your training colleagues, they will be your network in to a job.
Brother, I wish I had listened to all that advice when I was coming through!