Written Exams Sectional Charts

This may be an odd question, but on the official written exams, are the charts on a piece of paper, or are they on a computer screen like with Kings School?

The charts on the computer can just be a pain when the distance between points forces you to zoom out to 50%, and I was curious what they do on the writtens!

Hi Zachary,
It should the examine center provide you one as a simple book, and keep in mind you can use the manual E6-B or electronic E6-B.

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The test center will give you a Knowledge Test Supplement which will have all the charts, figures, AFD stuff etc.


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Booklet is provided during the exam. Keep in mind that sectionals in the booklet provided may not be to scale either, so you’d have to use a piece of paper for some examples to measure the distance instead of your plotter.

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Alright thank you for the replies! I’m fine using the paper for scale issues and whatnot, it’s just the computer screen makes it a little tricky/not as accurate for me sometimes and it can get frustrating!