1st Class Medical Waivers

Good afternoon everyone,

I had a question regarding the 1st class medical certification. I have read that sleep apnea is a reason to need a waiver for the 1st class cert however, I have heard they are somewhat easy to get. I know this is somewhat specific but was curious if anyone could speak to the process of getting a waiver for this and if so, how difficult it is to get and possible timeframe. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!



ALL medical conditions vary from individual to individual therefore one person’s experience can be very different than another’s.

You’ll need to consult an AME (Aviation Medical Examiner) as only they can tell you how lengthy or difficult YOUR path will be.



AOPA has a ton of great resources to educate yourself on the process ahead. Here’s a great place to start:



Thank you. I agree I was just curious if anyone may have personally gone through it or maybe knew someone who has for sleep apnea specifically.


Thank you for the resource!


Browse the forum enough and you might be able to find some other prospected students and/or pilots have some input on sleep disorders. However, you should talk specifically to an AME who is designated in issuing medicals or deferring for further research.
