I’m not going to say tailwinds (I always thought that was silly).
Well kids it’s 20 somewhat years I’ve been on this forum (and the last). It’s been a great experience and hopefully I’ve helped a pilot or 3 find their way as others helped me. With that I feel it’s time to pass the baton to the youngins. I’m just too old and ornery. As I’ve been saying for 20yrs+, I have the BEST life and if it weren’t for ATP, I’m 100% certain I would not be where I am. That’s not a pitch, it’s a fact and I will always be grateful.
With that I thought it be good to go out answering some FAQs one more time, but perhaps with a little more cander (aka humor?) :
“I’ve searched this whole forum and I know this question has been asked before BUT my situation is unique…”: No it’s not and no you haven’t. Sorry but EVERY question has been asked before and there’s nothing unique about your situation. NOTHING! If you haven’t found it your research skills are lacking.
Can I work (go to college, etc) during the program? NO. Why? Because you’re not as smart as you think you are and the program is harder than you think it is. Work a job during training and you’ll have a great story how you were almost a pilot.
Do I need college? Up to you BUT despite your belief in your own awesomeness a degree makes you competitive and more important if you’re not successful (and there’s a chance you won’t be) you better have a Plan B other than living in your parents basement.
I’ve had a DUI, DWI, etc, can I still be a pilot? Maybe, but just know there is no expunged. YES those on the interview panel will be judging you and you had better have something REALLY strong to balance it out. Oh and it is a BIG DEAL, not everybody does it and no it wasn’t the only time you ever drove under the influence.
I don’t want to instruct, how else can I build time? What you’re saying is the 1500hrs is nonsense and you just want to check the box so you can be a REAL pilot, get your uniform and get paid. Sure, there are many other ways and if you’re lucky you can find a corp job just sitting there throwing gear and bags. In fact I think you should. This way your skills will stagnant and you’ll wash out of newhire training. A happy ending for us all! Getting hired is easy, making it to the line is not.
Can I have a beard? Tattoos? Piercings? Manbun? Etc? No you can’t. Again, you’re not special. Pilots wear UNIFORMS so we can all be UNIFORM in appearance. If you want to express your individuality go work at Starbucks.
I’ve seen negative posts about ATP? Your mother, Gabby, Barney, etc etc etc all lied. Everyone can’t be anything they want. Sorry but it’s true. Me, I can’t dance. I don’t know why I just can’t, BUT I’m not going to blame Arthur Murray for not making me into Fred Astair (old guy references). People wash out for all kinds of reasons (#1 is failure to put in the work) but facing that reality requires “introspection” and responsibility. It’s far easier to blame ATP. The fault however does not lie in the stars, it’s YOU.
And of course…
100% YES! There is no better route to the airlines period. It’s Jeopardy hard but that’s by design. Work harder than you ever have and you’ll end up with the GREATEST JOB IN THE WORLD! Don’t and you’ll be writing one of those bad post about how ATP did this and didn’t do that, they pushed me too hard, expected me to be ready when I wasn’t, expected me to do homework and fly on Sundays during football season, I didn’t like the color of the planes, my instructor had a mustache, the examiner asked me to put down my comfort teddy, A T P are my ex’s initials which upset me, I had earned my PPL 17yr ago, haven’t flown since and they expected me to know PPL stuff, the planes don’t feel anything like MSFS and there’s no reset button, I busted every checkride twice and they didn’t offer me an instructor position, they kicked me out just because I showed up drunk, their little planes are much bumpier than the Airbuses I usually fly on to vacation and I got airsick, bla bla bla bla bla…
Much love to all and Peace Out!