And here we go!

Ok, I’m encouraged that what I was thinking and what you guys are telling me is the same!


Hey everyone!

I finally was able to do my first solo this morning! What an adrenaline rush! Took a lot of patience cause of the weather, and overcame a little adversity to nail my first solo and I’m stoked to have finally done it!

It’s kind of crazy too that looking back on it when I got home, not once during the flight was I thinking “what am I doing?” Or not once did it make me nervous to be on my own! I think it just proves the training works and has been ingrained in me. Honestly, didn’t even think to myself I was by myself until I had a second on downwind to notice the empty seat next to me.

Can’t wait to do it again!


Nice job Mat! Big step. Keep it up!


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Congrats on the Solo! The first time in the plane always feels different, it’s like you’re a person lighter :wink: .


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Awesome work, congratulations! I remember that feeling well, it is a good one. Thank you for the update, please keep them coming.


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Congrats! Great pictures as well. I still have my solo shirt tail. It’s cool to frame down the road.
Next up, solo cross country. Keep us updated. That was my favorite solo experience.


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Exciting day for you, Mat! That really is a great photo! I wish I could say that I was as cool, calm, and collected as you on my first solo :wink:


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Hey everyone, another update!

Passed my private pilot checkride this morning! I would have a photo but the printer at the FBO at SGH wasn’t working lol. Now on to instrument!!



Congrats Mat! Major step! You’re now a pilot! Woohoo!

Keep it up and keep us posted.



Awesome news, congratulations! Thanks for the update, keep up the good work.



Congrats on passing your Private Pilot Checkride! Enjoy your Instrument training, there is some more work to be done, but the fun is only beginning. :slight_smile:



Congrats! There is nothing quite like getting that very first checkride out of the way. You’re officially a pilot. Plus, the who checkride experience isn’t a mystery anymore. Enjoy the instrument phase. It’s completely opposite from flying VFR.


Hi all!

Been awhile since I’ve posted (whoops!) First, STILL HERE! Since my last post…

Instrument kicked my butt. Not just learning all the ins and outs of instrument, but there was some other stuff going on outside of my control that just made for a turbulent few months of instrument training. Experienced my first bust in an oral and it was awful. Came back and busted an MDA when in my head I thought I was looking at a DA. Was mad at myself again because I was stressing out over the partial panel approach and it was literally the best one I’ve ever done. Third time the charm and finally got the instrument rating the day before Thanksgiving.

Then came the cold Midwest weather that made crew last awhile. Then more cold weather, plane issues and more weather. TAA was a blast to get a little taste of the airline experience.

Finally got to taking my Commercial checkride at the beginning of this month and passed first try. From instrument stage, my biggest takeaway was things are just gonna happen and you can’t control it. What I can control is my CONFIDENCE, especially confidence with PIC decision making. That showed in my commercial checkride, and I vividly remember in the oral talking about the flight scenario, the DPE mentioned I made very good PIC decisions regarding how I’d go about the scenario given.

So now I’m in my second week of virtual ground for CFI before I get sent to GKY for the flight phase. I’m looking forward to it! It’s a lot of regulations and FOIs to remember, but my instructor had me practice giving grounds during the commercial phase to get a head start and I can see where it’s definitely helped.

Sorry for the long delay in posting!




Thanks for the update. Busts suck but they happen. What’s important is you push through and keeping moving forward which you’ve done.

Home stretch baby!


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Thank you for the update, keep them coming. The finish line is insight!


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Congratulations on the two checkride passes, a late update is always a good update as well. You’re busy and focused in the program, that is how it should be.

Looking forward to your next update!


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Mistakes happen but the most important thing is what you learned from it and how you changed your behavior as a result. Sounds like you did just that with a successful commercial ride. Keep that momentum going in to CFI!


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