Aviate, Navigate, Communicate, Moderate?

Just a brief word of thanks to the moderators of this site. Not sure if anyone else does this, but when catching up on industry news I save airlinepilotlife for last because I know it will be the honest, positive (when able) and encouraging uplift after other forums which are more often than not quite bearish (even pre-Covid).

I’ve never felt “sold ATP” by the mods here, but as I put together my pros and cons list for ATP v other, the professionalism here is certainly part of the equation.

Thanks for the continued perspective in the most tumultuous of times!

Mid-life-career-changers everywhere


Thank you Chris.

We appreciate your kind words and yes that’s pretty much what we’re going for.


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Thank you for your kind words, it means a lot to us. Please keep us up to date as you progress through your training and career.
