Bluetooth Headset

I’m planning on investing in the Bose A20s, but I am unsure on whether to get the bluetooth option. I’ve been reading and can’t get a solid answer. Many say its not worth it since we shouldn’t be listening to music in the cockpit anyway, but that the foreflight notifications are really nice to have. My plans are to get to an airline as quickly as possible. My question is: HOW nice are the foreflight notifications? Is that something I should invest the extra money in, or just a nice perk of bluetooth? What do people do about foreflight notifications that don’t have bluetooth?

If I have my Ipad volume high enough, I can still hear alerts without a bluetooth connection. I got the bluetooth one for music personally, it helps me focus.

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When it comes to things like this there’s no such thing as a “solid answer”. You’re a grown up and can make your own decisions.

I’m strongly against the Bluetooth simply because if you have it there’s a temptation to use it. You’ll inevitably fly with a CA or 2 who don’t see a problem, you’ll get used to rocking out on the flightdeck until you find yourself sitting next to an old crusty like me. Depending on my mood at the time of the offense I could simply make the rest of the flight unpleasant OR I could call the Chief Pilot and call for disciplinary action as you violated the “house rules”. Violating the house rules can result in anything from a letter in your file to termination. All because of some silly Bluetooth.


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I have the bluetooth and love them. But if you don’t plan to use them for music I would say its probably not worth it just for foreflight notifications. Another good use is if you have to call to get a clearance, but still probably not worth it just for that.

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I have the Bose without BT. The Bose with BT is a nice perk (IMO).


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Thanks for the feedback. I am more leaning towards not buying the BT, but I was wondering what the experience is like without it. Is not having it for foreflight a disadvantage? Does it just require looking at the ipad instead of listening for notifications? Also, you mentioned needing to make calls sometimes - is that common? If I don’t have BT for that scenario, what exactly would happen?

I actually usually have the BT connected to my phone so I don’t get the audio notifications. I do fine with the visual notifications. I wouldn’t say it’s a disadvantage you’ll do fine with or without them. And in the case of calling for a clearance for me so far it hasn’t been common I’ve done it once and that was just to practice it. But if it is necessary then you’d just call without a headset

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Agree with everybody else, really personal preference.
I chose to get the bluetooth because you never know when you are at the runway waiting for a plane to get back and you want to listen to music… yes in your aviation headset! Just make sure to tuck the microphone behind the headset pretty good :joy:

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I, like you was also on the fence. I went ahead and purchased the A20’s with the Bluetooth. One perfect VFR day during my commercial checkride prep flight, my instructor and I were about 7 miles southeast of our home airport. It’s a Delta and he did not have Bluetooth. Our transponder started to go and then our G430 and Com 2 went. We experienced complete electrical failure. I was able to grab my phone, call the tower and let them
Know where we were and what our situation was. They were able to see us on the scope, clear us into the airspace and remain on the phone until we were short final. He flew the airplane while I spoke to tower but it was nice to hear and speak clearly in that situation. The airspace was busy and they gave us traffic advisories and kept everyone away from us. We called them back for clearance to taxi once we were off the runway and cleaned up. I was happy for my Bluetooth that day and am among those that believe it’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.


Thanks everyone for your input! You were very helpful in my decision.