Charter company or flight instructor

Hey all!
Say I just got accepted into the envoy cadet program with 600 hours of logged time, and I signed a contract saying that I will work with them once I reach 1500 hours. Would it be possible to join ameriflight or another charter company to reach 1500 hours while I’m under the contract of envoy? Or would I need to stay being a flight instructor until I reach 1500?
Thank you!


Whatever the contract says, you will have to do. I believe for Envoy you MUST instruct at one of their partnered schools or universities, I don’t think you can just time build wherever. @RoscoeL, you were apart of the cadet program (if I remember correctly), do you have any insight on this?

Right from Envoy’s Cadet Program website:



Sorry but I have to ask did you read the contract you signed? I’m sure it contained interesting conditions other than just we’ll hire you at 1500hrs…



Congrats on being accepted into the Envoy cadet program! As Adam mentioned, you’d have to read the contract that you signed to know your situation. I’ve gone back and briefly read mine from over a year ago. I believe if you’ve signed with their cadet program as a cadet instructor, it requires you to instruct with a partner school (like ATP), until you reach your ATP minimums. It also states that you cannot work for another commercial air carrier once you are signed as a cadet instructor. You can build time yourself whilst instructing (they most likely still require at least 40 hours a month), but I could not see them allowing you to build time through a commercial operator or full time part 135 operation. The expectation is that you are building most of your time as an instructor. I will mention that Envoy is very successful with their cadet instructors versus non-cadet new hires. Instructing is typically the best way to stay in the student mindset and keep your skills sharp. New hire training is no joke! However, you could always leave the agreement and build time however you like. Read through the contract carefully to understand the rules and repayment obligations if you decide to back out.

Hope this helps!
