Cost for flight training

Hello, I am a 22-year-old young man looking to get my pilots licence and fly for an airline as a career! I have done one fly along 3 years ago out of the Hillsborrow Aviation Center and i know i love it! What I’m wondering is what is the average cost to obtain a pilots licence?
Other than that who would be the best person to get in touch with in regards to learning how to fly in a fun and timely manner!

Welcome Felix, if you type “Cost” in the search window above you’ll find discussion strings about many aspects of becoming a pilot including discussions about getting your Private Pilot License outside of ATP and the relative benefits of doing that vs. including it in your ATP curriculum. There are also discussions about how much longer and expensive college flying programs can be relative to ATP and using private flight schools. This site has a wealth of information.

Happy surfing and good luck on your journey.


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