I was originally supposed to solo last thursday, but got delayed due to some TFRs and high winds. Today, I finally solo’d. What an adrenaline rush on the first takeoff! I think I yelled “holy s***” a few times climbing up to pattern altitude. What a legendary day. I look forward to powering through to my PPL checkride.
I want to post a video of my first landing, but it says it’s the incorrect file type.
Congrats Andy! Yea, aside from the fact you’re in there all by your lonesome the performance boost of being one person lighter is definitely attention getting!
Congratulations! There is nothing quite like that first lap in the pattern all by yourself. Nerve racking but completely exhilarating. Take that confidence through to your solo cross countries and you’ll be well set up mentally to crush that private checkride. Keep us updated.
Thank you! It took a lot of practice to get there. When I first started doing landings they were pretty bad I think one day it just clicked and I was able to figure out how to let the plane touch down smoothly.
Well done friend! Congratulations on the huge accomplishment and big day, soloing is a huge milestone in our journey, and you’ve crossed the runway.
Remember with every runway, there’s endless destinations. Enjoy your Cross Countries, it is a surreal moment when you sit there alone trying to get flight following and approach frequencies are busy, and you sneak in a VFR request.
I think it’s safe to say that when we all started our landings were bad too. Landings are both a science and an art and each one is unique, which can be humbling at times when we have a bad landing even after all these years.
In Trenton, we always have crosswinds at this time of the year, always feel the need to check the struts upon shutdown. I’ve had a few rough landings myself to this day …@Adam can contest to Trenton crosswinds. LOL
Awesome accomplishment! A huge congratulations to you! Thank you for the update and the picture. Please continue to keep us in the loop as you progress through your training.