Introduction and ACPP Updates

Double Windsor? Listen I’m the old crusty here not you! :wink:



Brady knows how to wear a suit and be a true professional. Last I saw him, he was sporting cuff links.


Did I miss a memo? Is it be nice to Brady Friday? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



We do cut RJ pilots a break on Fridays.


Hey everyone quick update,

I just passed my instrument progress evaluation yesterday and I did decent, I passed so I am on the right track. Instrument is tricky since it’s a new way of flying. There’s certain rules and nuisances that come with this type of flying, parts of it I feel lost and some parts of it I feel like I’m doing great. Just need more exposure to this type of flying. Also, I am so glad I took my IRA early… I’m seeing my fellow classmates struggling to juggle all of the tasks necessary to stay on track. So thank you all that suggested to get them done, truly a game changer to not focus on it.



Doing the writtens early always pays off. Thank your the update, keep them coming.


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We don’t kid when we mention completing some of the writtens ahead of the program really does make life “easier.” When I was a lead instructor I could always tell between the student(s) who completed the writtens ahead of time versus though who were stressing during the program. Keep on getting those checkride passes!


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YES! “Say it louder for the people in the back!” (@Brady I’ll let you post the GIF :joy:)


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Say It Louder GIFs | Tenor

Hannah knows me to well now…



Hey everyone and happy late thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a good food to eat!

I am in checkride prep now! I just finished my 250nm flight as well as my 300nm for commercial. I have my mock on Wednesday and I am studying for the next few days to brush up on ground knowledge. I will be getting the oral guide for instrument as well to get me prepared. Instrument has been super fun and challenging, I can’t believe the time has been literally flying, 132 days ago I started ATP and I’m already finishing up instrument. Any tips or advice is appreciated of course, I’ll be updating everyone again soon!


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This is great, I’m happy to hear that you’re getting closer to the checkride. The mock checkride is a great event that should happen regardless of whether you’re at ATP or not, which many omit from conducting. You learn so much from this event and it helps prepare you for the checkride, finding any flaws or slips that you have.

I think my advice is always the same: be prepared, tabbed FAR/AIM, ACS noted, and documents organized. Remember to aviate, navigate, and communicate. The DPE may try to throw some distractions at you, don’t take your eyes and hands away from the flight controls to grab a pencil from the floor that the DPE “accidentally dropped.” If you need more time to set up for a maneuver, use it, but don’t take up the whole flight to prepare for slow flight.

Otherwise, enjoy it! It’s your first checkride, it will be different than any other exam you’ve taken. Be open-minded at the end, take any notes you get and learn from them.



The Oral Exam Guide is your friend, know that book cover to cover and you will do fine. When is your check ride scheduled for?


Hey Alexis,

How did the mock checkride go?



Sorry for the late reply but it went very well! I should be getting endorsed today and hopefully get a checkride date in about a week. I was a little nervous about my ground knowledge but I actually did very well on the oral. Instrument flying has been my favorite way of flying!



This is good news! They sometimes say, no news, is good news. I use that sparingly because one of my best friends who I did their introductory flight then came onto the forum asking for a quick piece of advice, completed the program with flying colors and is now in new hire training… lol.

Please let us know how everything goes! Looking forward to the ticket.



I am so used to instrument flying now that it would feel really strange to me to fly VFR. \



Nice! You’re moving right along. Glad to hear it. An Instrument rating is a pretty good Christmas present if you ask me! :gift: :christmas_tree:


Guess who’s legal to fly in the clouds! :cloud:




Awesome work, congratulations! Thank you for the update as well.


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Congrats on the instrument rating! Looks like you had a beautiful day to fly (minus an occasional bump here or there).

Enjoy the crew phase, I know ATP slightly changed things up, but it’s still going to be an awesome experience. Let us know how things go. :slight_smile:


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