I agree with the distaste for, and actual FAR issues with handling a handheld video recording device while controlling an aircraft in the air and on the ground as it is a distraction.
Part 91 flights, Paragraph B. Lists “anything determined to not interfere with Nav/Comm equipment is allowed”. That allows almost anything.
IMO King Schools, Flight Chops, MZeroA, Fly8MA, UND, Embry Riddle and many others have proven that it is legal to record in the flight deck both Part91 VFR and IFR as long as the language in the FARs is followed “Does not interfere with Nav/Comm equipment”.
Some of these schools also advocate recording as a way to assist debriefs. Obviously they are “Set and Forget cameras not manipulated in-flight/taxi”.
As far as Airlines go, gotta check the FOM. My carriers FOM Prohibits specific things like cell phones, but does not state camera or video recording. For Jumpseaters the PIC determines what they can use.
I could not find a specific Letter of Interpretation from the FAA regarding video recording.
Here is an AOPA article regarding pilots posting videos.
The FAA has been going after people who record themselves breaking/bending FARs via videos footage. I think most of us would agree a pilot physically taking a cell phone video during a critical phase of flight could be seen as “Careless or Reckless Operation” FAR 91.13.
I’ll see what my buddy from class that is an Aviation Lawyer and used to represent the FAA in the past thinks.
Moral of the story, I’ll sum up with a Philip Defranco quote.
“Don’t be Stupid, Stupid”,