Realistic Expectations

Hey guys, I recently failed my ppl checkride. Everything went perfect but with the scenario based training I chose a military airport as the destination airport and the DPE failed me from it (for obvious reasons). I know that 1 checkride failure will not likely affect the possibility of getting hired at a regional level, but if I ever want to aspire to something more as the mayor airlines, having a checkride failure and specially the PPL one coming at such early stage and from something as choosing a wrong airport in the oral portion. How realistic would my expectations be of getting hired at the mayor airlines having this checkride failure and would it have a serious effect on the process?


While nobody wants to bust a checkride and I can’t say it’s nothing, a single checkride bust (particularly early in your training) will not derail your career or keep you from a Major. That said you obliviously don’t want to make a habit of it. One is ok, two you’ll have some explaining to do, three or more, now you’ve got some serious concerns.

Remember what this feels like and use that to make sure it doesn’t happen again.



Welcome to the forum, busting a checkride is never a fun thing to experience, I recently had a student who busted their commercial single-engine checkride because they got a little comfortable in the plane and let their guard down…it happens. Now that you have a sense of how the checkride goes, you can implement new study strategies or tips that maybe the DPE gave you, or that you’ve discovered on your own. Continue working hard every single training flight and checkride, you’ll put this bust in the past.


One is not a big deal. Of all the ones to bust, the private I’d say has the smallest reflection on you as a pilot. I say that because by the time you’re interviewing with a major and you’ll have loads more time and experience and can reflect back on the first checkride you had and the mistakes you made and explain how it shaped you in to the pilot you are now.
Now instrument, that’s a big one. That’s the rating you’ll use for your entire career as an airline pilot. So shake off the last one and refocus on the training to come. You can’t change what’s happened but you can effect the outcome of what’s still to come.

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I do not think that one failure will affect your ability to get hired at a major. I would of course recommend doing your best to prevent future check ride failures. Learn from the mistake and press onward.



I have two checkride failures. I’m not proud of them, but I can’t change that fact. Failing a checkride can be disheartening. Learn from it and move on. I don’t see one failure holding you back in any way.
