Regional airline training washout

Hi forum,

Recently washed out of regional airline training and it’s been devastating to say the least and my confidence is low. I passed all my tests and validations but it all came crashing down when I got to the lofts sims and was not able to get signed off for my LOE. Now I am seeking for some guidance on what to do next. I been thinking on going the corporate route as that’s what I always wanted to do since I became a pilot. Also another question I have is, should I get my CFII while I apply to 135/91 operators just to feel better about my instrument skills and gain some confidence in my abilities in general? Thanks!


Failure is never fun. Unfortunately it does happen and it’s been happening alot these days. I don’t want to get preachy (and I’m sure you don’t want me to either), but this is the main reason we talk any the QUALITY of hours building up to 1500hrs and not just the quantity, and also why we recommend flight instructing to hone your skills. Enough said.

It’s obviously really up to you what you do next. If you really want to fly corporate, that’s the route you should pursue but as you probably know by now, there aren’t as many opportunities as there are at the airlines, but they are out there. I think getting your CFI could be a good thing. There’s no question it’ll make you a better pilot and if your washout comes to during an interview, it’ll also show you took the bust seriously and took solid steps to improve.



I would recommend getting your CFII, it will certainly help your instrument skills and will show that you sought to improve your skills and rectify whatever skills were missing during your airline training.



How long was the gap between your main training and timeline at the airline you started training at? Is it a confidence thing or lack of proficiency in regard to skill? Airline and P135 operators rely heavily on instrument operations and if you lack proficiency, it would be a good idea to go back and acquire the CFI-I to enhance and refresh your skill/knowledge.

This is a response for one of the TMAAT and how you bettered yourself to reach your dream job.
