Regional interview advice

Hi all. I have an interview with Skywest coming up tomorrow. Been preparing for a few days, reviewing a lot of my Commercial and CFI prep materials and going through gouges available online (for anyone else reading who is in a similar place, and have been great resources so far, and the latter is free). As I understand it, Skywest’s interviews tend to run on the more challenging side, so… I’m overpreparing.

With all that said, any advice you have to offer for someone in my place? Appreciate anything you all may have to contribute. Thanks!

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It’s the night before, best thing to do now is review what you have and get a good night sleep.
Good luck,
Chris F

Edit. My group of friends interviews were pre-covid, but it was all over the map on difficulty. Mine was in person and I’d describe it is moderately difficult, my buddy had the phone interview and had to explain every part of the electrical system of a 172 in extreme detail. If you know the info they request and what you find online, you should be fine.

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Aside from studying and preparing for the technical, which it sounds like you have, try to relax and just be yourself. The interview team will do a great job of trying to relax you in an effort to see your personality. They are looking for someone who is personable with a good balance of confidence and humility. Don’t be a jerk, admit if you don’t know something during the technical, and try to enjoy yourself.

Also, don’t be overbearing during the CRM portion. That’s not what they want to see and not what CRM is about. It’s CREW resource management…practice good teamwork.


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Trey hit the nail on the head. Skywest is huge on finding the right pilots. Be confident in what you know, humble with what you don’t and just be yourself. Don’t try to give the answer you think they want to hear. Just answer honestly. Let your personality come through and remember you’re just talking to another human being, another pilot who shares your passion. Enjoy it and try not to stress too much. Now go get some sleep!!
…let us know how it goes tomorrow! :slight_smile:

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Hey, I passed my SkyWest interview last week, all I can say is if you know the questions, know some IFR stuff 91.175, holding speeds, alternates, turbine engine theory, etc. you’ll do well on the technical portion. The HR part should be very relaxed, I have been told by many it’s just a way for them to see if they can and would enjoy being on a 4 day trip stuck inside a cockpit with you. Don’t sweat it, but also prepare well so it’s a breeze when you do it. Good luck!

-Derek Lanier

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So @SleepsInFBOs, how’d it go today?? :slight_smile:

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It went well! Thanks everyone for the advice, I appreciate it!

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Nice job.

Btw love your screenname!
In order to get a ferry contract for a Citabria from Miami to LA, my buddy and I slept in the FBOs every night :sweat_smile:

KLCQ KSGR KELP. God, Texas was miserable to fly over in the summer, but Sugar Land has an amazing FBO!

Chris F