SkyWest tips, class dates, and pilot success

Aloha everyone, I finally am just a few away from my R-ATP mins and an skywest interview the end of the month. It’s been a grind and the grind continues.

My focus is delivering a great interview to increase my chances of being hired, I’ve been in the cadet program for a couple of years, and my long-term goals are to be back home flying for Hawaiian airlines.

Does anyone know what skywest class training dates are and any recommended suggestions within the interview process?

join aviation career mentorship on facebook this has been asked recently

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Hey Harold! I understand the feeling of wanting to the best on the interview it can be nerve racking. I know when I went through they will send you a packet on what will be on the interview.

Being a Skywest cadet make sure to take advantage of the interview prep sessions and make sure to come with some good questions for them if there isn’t something your understanding and they should be able to help.

Also a good resource that I used for my interview was

This is a good resource but make sure not to just rote memorize it. I used it as more of a way to understand different people’s interview experiences and gain a good idea of the most common questions that were getting asked in the interview.

Most likely you will be asked about the basics of how turbine engines work, high altitude aerodynamics and things that pertain to airlines. For sure be able to tell them 91.175. I know that they also like you to know exemption 17347.

Hope this helps and good luck on the interview.


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Congrats on the SkyWest interview. One word of caution, be sure to know and emphasize why you want to work for SkyWest. As the regionals are currently flush with FOs, the airlines are looking to hire and train captains, not someone looking for a type rating then bouncing to a major. Even though Hawaiian is your dream airline, I wouldn’t even hint at that in your interview. :slight_smile:

Good luck!



This brings me nightmares in my sleep.

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Yeah me too :joy:

That sounds like exemption 3585. The nice part about being Captain is that when they try to use this, I call them and tell them to add an alternate and the appropriate amount of additional fuel.



It is but for Regionals. Good times.
