Starting my pilot career at 39

Greetings everyone, can anyone help me out with this? I am 39 years old and I’m starting the career pilot training, it’s a new career for me. Will my age be a negative factor when I go to look for a job with the airlines? Is there any kind of age discrimination within the industry compared to say someone who’s in their early twenties? Any insight or info to add or throw my way would be totally appreciated.


Check out the FAQ section which will answer this and many other questions you’re sure to have:
But to make this simple, I started at ATP at 39 and 15yrs later I’m a Captain at a Major airline and things weren’t nearly as good as they are now. Short answer is you’re fine.


Hey thanks so much for the response Adam. One last question for you. I reviewed the truth about the profession website. Is there much tuth to that website and I noticed that was a year ago have things changed?


Not familiar with the site so I really couldn’t say. What I can tell you is this, you can take 2 pilots flying for the same airline and one will swear they have the greatest job on Earth and other’s will swear it’s one step above slavery. Everyone has a different perspective which is one of the reasons this site was created and why we have different people chiming in at different stages with different points of views. If you have specific questions please take some time reading through or searching the forum or simply ask.


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Thanks so much Adam for your time in answering my questions and the time you take to answer questions from so many others. That is great advice and I will take it. Until my next question (haha) I will take your recommendations. Sincerest regards Jason

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