Ways to pay for flight school with bad credit

I am 34 years old, and recently on a plane trip to California, I decided that I wanted to become a pilot. I have researched it, and reached out to different flight schools. Unfortunately, I have extremely bad credit, so I am having a hard time to find the financing. I am wondering if there are other ways to achieve this so I can do this. What has been your guys experience. Thanks.


  1. find a good co-signer

  2. save your money while improving your credit so you can pay for some of the training yourself

  3. marry someone with money

  4. win the lottery




Unfortunately flight training is incredibly expensive. If you aren’t sitting on loads of cash you really only have two options left: improve your financial health so that you can eventually be approved for a loan (with a cosigner) or pay as you go.

Paying for training as you go is difficult. Typically it turns out more timely and expensive than you ever planned for. If I were you, I’d focus on saving money, improving your credit score and exploring options for cosigners.


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Hi Jon,

Let me take Adam’s normal first question: have you ever flown in a small plane? Have you taken a discovery flight or a flight lesson? The difference between sitting in the back of an Airbus and flying a Cessna it is as different as watching a football game from the stands and being the football…

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(Sigh)… I’m so proud! :sleepy:


I have never flown. And I do get the analogy. It makes sense. But how will I know if I can’t afford it. Is there an option to like test it, before I commit. You know?


The option is to take an introductory flight. You can do this at most local flight schools for a rather reasonable fee. If you are unable to afford the introductory flight, then flying might not be a viable option for you.


It’s better to save up for a bit and commit $200 now, than to save up for years and commit $100,000 only to find out that you’d rather be a human punching bag for 1500 hours than to fly a small plane for that long…


“How will I know if I can’t afford it”…? I am sorry, can you elaborate a little on what you’re trying to ask. You can afford anything if save, budget and spend appropriately. I know $195 may seem far-fetch for some individuals, any family members that you could ask to lend to see if this is something you really believe in doing?
