What school is best

I started flying decades ago and became a commercial instrument rated pilot; however, I have not flown in years. I am 48 and divorced and my ex burned my logbook that had all my rating and about 850 hours of flight time in it. I am retiring form my current career soon and would like to fly for a regional but don’t know where to start. What do I do about my log book? How do I prove my hours? What’s the best school? ATP said they don’t take guys who have more than a private pilot because they want you to go through all of there training. Any one have suggestions or counsel?


For the lost logbook take a look here:

As for flight schools it really depends on your goal? You already have the licenses and ratings you need, other than getting current and maybe earning your multi and CFIs, why would you want to invest $90k with ATP? Thinking you’d be better served at a local school, get current and whatever else you want/need, build some time and get hired.



The best school is the one that you have done the research, find compatible with yourself, and has a good reputation all around. Unfortunately, if you’re already a commercial instrument rated pilot, I don’t think ATP is for you. You will need to find a flight school that you could complete the multi-engine add-on, AND CFI (if you’re interested in building the time that way). Do you have a local airport that has a flight school that you could inquire?



Adam set you up with the logbook issue. As for your ratings, you should be able to go to your local FBO, look up your FTN number and request a new pilot certificate card be mailed to you. Also a great idea to go fly with a CFI, get current and complete a flight review and IPC before proceeding with any new ratings.


Here’s a helpful tip for you, Barry, and all aviators out there:

Complete an 8710-1. Conduct a flight review. With your instructor, sign off upon completion, and have them verify your hours for updating your logbook in the FAA database. This will also help if you ever lose, damage or in this case, have your logbook burned, you have a backup of hours.
