What's after finishing the fast track program?

Yes, it’s an app with the FAA question database. There are no modules or lessons. It’s just the questions with an associated study protocol you follow to prepare for the written via rote memory. To find it, Google Sheppard air. On the website, grab the number and call to get set up with the correct database. Then just wait for the email that walks you through how to get the app set up.

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Thanks so much, Hannah. Is there still a discount for ATP students?

I believe so… but you may want to confirm before you purchase the database.

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Good to know, thanks Hannah

Such a great question sorry some of the answers you got were a little on the rough side lol I’m on the same boat and oh though I didn’t think about it before it is a really good question to have lol I guess like someone mentioned we have to put in 100% no distractions and hope for the best :muscle::v:

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Hahaha thanks man, it’s ok I can take it. Uncomfortable questions produce necessary answers. This is a huge and very important step for me, as I can imagine for most people joining the program, and when you’re in your late 30s you tend to look at things from a different angle. Learning about other options doesn’t necessarily mean aiming to fail or expecting a “trophy” for under performing, it’s just being aware.


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I’m sorry if you found my response to be harsh, that’s never my intention. That said we’re all adults and I’m not here to paint rainbows or rosy pics.

If someone makes the decision to not instruct for ATP then of course they’ll have options, BUT (and this is a huge but), if someone is not offered a position due to multiple checkride failures or disciplinary issues then no, the Regionals will not be beating down your door with offers. People literally put their lives in our hands and bad things do happen (albeit rarely). The entire Airline Pilot Safety Act that created the 1500hr Rule was a direct result of the Colgan crash in Buffalo. Now all accidents are horrific and tragic, but why did this one cause the government to literally rewrite the rules on airline pilot standards? I’ll tell you why, because it was revealed that the Capt in question had a long history of training failures and the flying public wanted to know how and why he was allowed to fly their loved ones. Since that time the airlines recognize the liability and scrutinize training records much more closely (as they should).

Call me old and crusty but when I started on this forum EVERYONE wanted to know what they needed to do to excel. Now the questions are on the opposite end of the spectrum. Do I really need a degree? Can I work during the program? What happens if I bust multiple checkrides? Etc etc etc. Agree or not if that’s what’s in your head you’re thinking about this all wrong. Flight training is hard. Really REALLY hard and ATP makes it harder. People fail and are unsuccessful. Regardless of what mommy and daddy said not everyone can or will be whatever they want. Even if you’ve got the intelligence and coordination you still need to give this your all, 100%, or you will suffer and have nothing more than a good story to tell the kids about how you wanted to be an airline pilot but got distracted driving for Uber.

If you want or need options there’s a chance you might use one. If failure is not an option chances are you won’t.


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There’s always options, some just take more work than others. If you don’t get through the CFI portion of ATP, you can always get your instructor ratings elsewhere, which is where I am. I know there’s a few regionals offering training stipends and signing bonuses that risk upwards of 30k. It’s not exactly the tuition assistance/loan help, but it’s help.

Personally, I really dislike Sheppard. I used it for my instructor tests and did really well on the written, but a lot of the concepts are psychology based and it’s just really hard for me to wrap my head around. Sure it’s cheap and it’s an easy way to get a good score on the written, but it won’t really teach you anything inherently. I really liked the king programs that I got with my training they went through commercial single. It really helped me actually learn the stuff, not memorize a test bank. I’m not saying Sheppard doesn’t work, because it does, I just think it does more harm than good

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I completely see your point Neal, if time wasn’t an issue I’d definitely go with Kings School for all of them, but that would prob take me a month for each exam. Plus most people do say that the actual learning will happen during training so no need to invest time on it now.

Oh and I wasn’t saying I wanna go to CFI somewhere else, it’s part of what I’m paying for and I intend to get everything to the last cent lol


Hi Neal,

Can you expand on why you didnt get through the cfi portion at atp?


Hey not to go back and forth with what you said. But the question had nothing to do with failing checkrides or not taking anything serious. ATP has gotten rid of their Guaranteed CFI instructing for a reason. I don’t know the reason but can only assume that if everyone does Excell there probably won’t be an available spot for everyone. The question was a good question your answer did bring up some valid points but I don’t think it was a good answer for this question. Happy new years :muscle::v:

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“I was wondering if someone doesn’t make the cut”
Definition of “make the cut”: to meet the requirements necessary for an application to be successful or to be selected from a group of candidates.

Regardless, and good answer or not, the guaranteed instructor position was only available for a really short time. I’m not in admin so I can’t say for certain why the program ended but personally if I dropped $85k on training I’d definitely prefer an instructor who was at the very top of their class vs someone who was guaranteed a slot. But maybe that’s just me? I stand by my statement if you work hard, do well and conduct yourself like a professional you will be offered a position. That’s the way its been for over 3 decades and it works.
