What's best for my situation

Hello! I am currently 19 with my PPL and 150hrs TT. I do not have a college degree but have been working at the local airport for the past few years and have gained a majority of the experience I need to become an A&P mechanic (for a backup) because in the end my dream job is becoming a professional Pilot. My grandparents own and operate the FBO I currently work at and my plan was just to do everything through the flight instructor here but that is not going to work out do to his health issues and age. If I went to ATP and knocked everything out in 6 months, I already have a job lined up as a CFI at my local airport. In my situation would it be worth it to get a degree after ATP?

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A degree is always a good idea. The major airlines like to see that you have one and the A&P, while nice, doesn’t satisfy that requirement.



I generally encourage college first because many find that an easier route. That said college isn’t for everyone and there have been many pilots who’ve been successful getting their degrees online after they complete their training.

Regardless of when you do it you will want to if you ever aspire to fly for a Major.



Being an A&P is nice, but it really will not do anything to further your career as an airline pilot.

On the other hand, a college degree is absolutely necessary if you wish to fly for the majors. The regionals do not require a degree, but the majors all do, even if they do not specifically state so in their hiring requirements.


Makes total sense but the main question is would it be worth to go to ATP first and then get my degree afterwards once I get on with a regional in my situation! Sense you guys always preach to go to college first so you have a back up plan. But I will have a backup plan with the A&P. I just feel like the sooner I get on with a regional the better so I can start gaining seniority.


Either way will work. Just depends on which you’d prefer. If you think that you will have the discipline to earn the degree online while at a regional then that’ll work. We just recommend earning the degree beforehand because you’re still in school mode.



Sure, an A&P is a backup plan, although it is in the same industry. Just make sure that you will have the discipline to complete your degree while at the regionals.



We don’t just preach college first as a backup plan. We preach it because getting your degree afterwards requires alot of discipline. I’ve seen many pilots be successful but also many never follow through. Be honest with yourself. If you’re up to the task then sure you can wait but if not finish your education now.
