College GPA Not the Greatest


I am a senior in college and I have not been the best student. I just have not put the proper effort in college. I blew through high school without ever trying and never seemed to adapt to college. I have had some personal issues that have effected me in college but I am in no way using that as an excuse. I have around a 2.5 GPA. I am planning to start ATP in summer 2019. I love aviation and I have always wanted to be a pilot. My main question is what are my chances of getting to fly for a major or regional airline? I will have no problem with health or the background check.

Thanks for all the help.



The Regionals don’t even care if you went to college so that’s a moot point. As for the Majors they want to see a degree. Personally I was never asked about my grades but I know others who have so that’s really hit or miss. I believe as long as you get you degree, keep your record clean otherwise AND do well in your pilot training you’ll be fine.

That all said if you plan on putting in anywhere near the same level of effort to your flight training that you did in HS or college I’d recommend you save your money and perhaps look into some other career (perhaps baking or landscaping?). ATP will make college feel like kindergarten.


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When I interviewed at Continental, the minimum GPA was 3.0. If that is still the case several years from now, you might look into getting a Master’s degree to offset the low undergraduate GPA.


Thank you both very much for the responses. I am also looking at becoming a firefighter but becoming a pilot has always been my dream. I am ready to put in 100% effort in to whichever career I chose to become the best I can be. Thank you both again. Hope to see you up there one day!



Anytime, let us know how else we can help you.


Is that a 3.0 for college? Also isn’t it unfair for some students who go to harder schools who get lower gpa then people who get high gpa but goes to a bad schoo? Thanks


Yes that’s a 3.0 for college and no it’s not unfair. Individuals choose the school and classes they go to. Hopefully if someone goes to a more challenging environment they do so knowing their abilities and rise to the occasion.




I have always thought that that is the great irony in going to “prestigious” schools. I would say that if you plan on being an airline pilot, it is probably not necessary to go to Harvard.
