New Journey in Life


When I was in TTN there was no housing. I was actually helping ATP look for appropriate housing just before I left.

That said I did stay at ATP housing during my initial training in HEF as well as when I was crewing, CFI school and Instructor Standardization and always found it to be excellent.


Perfect, thanks Adam. I didn’t think they have “ATP Housing” at Trenton at this time, but I thought I saw something earlier last month which I may have been confused for another location. Looking forward to TTN after-all, been planning my own little cross-country flight with a buddy from my hometown airport to there just to show him where I’ll be going and since you were right, it’s a great location between two major airspaces (PHL & JFK).


Minor update, completed the CAX AKT today with a 96%, the new doesn’t seem to bad, the testing browser was a different layout (newer interface - not terribly bad), I thought it was easily to navigate through. At the end of the exam you cannot see the questions you got wrong, which sucks, but oh well. The new system allows you to go through the FAA website and with your FTN you can find all your results and print them out if you lose them - no embossed stamp anymore (I liked that stamp). Now I’m up to studying for the FIA, but need a few minutes of breathing room as these last three months have been head deep in books, plus I have a few outside projects for cinematography and graphic designing to do.

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That is an excellent score! Keep up the good work.

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Can I just say the hype is getting up there, literally a month and half left until I will be at base training in Trenton, NJ. Over the past few months, I’ve hit roadblocks in my studying as I have been wanting to get some reviews in with my local CFI prior to heading to ATP, but due to coronavirus that changed my plans. I have also looked into switching to the 100-hr ME program due to my undecisive plans of operating under Part 91, 121 or 135 after the entirety program and time building - currently awaiting a financial breakdown with interest rates, finance charges, and an amortization schedule.

I still have to take the FOI, I will look to get that done before July so I can focus everything on flying and regulations. I’ve been digging into the oral exam guide books, FAR AIM app and using any resource I can find to study. What is nice is the Piper Archer is somewhat similar to a Piper Cherokee so the AFM is slightly different with weight & balance and limitations as per load size, etc. And a major difference from the current bird I’m flying is the avionics and panel, I will definitely have to sit down and study that a little more too. Overall, I have not seen a great difference from my current bird, which should make the transition nice. The kick will be if I do the 100-hr ME, I will have to start learning the Seminole AFM immediately since everything will be done initially in that.

I am beyond excited and cannot wait for the first day, I feel these last few months have gone so FAST!

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Are you going from steamies to the g1000?


I’m actually going from good ole’ steamies to a G500, the Archers that I am aware of at TTN are G500 panels. the current Archers have 2 GNS430 with a PFD & MFD G500. I do believe ATP is up-fitting the newer Archers they ordered to G1000s if I heard correctly, I may be wrong.


Nice, I miss the simplicity of steams but glass is the way of the future and practically every major flight school has glass…

I’m excited for you man, you’ll do great. I wanna fly a piper just to try it out. I keep hearing from people that have flown both Cessnas and Pipers say that the flight characteristics of Pipers are better and it’s easier to land

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Brady, about how often did you study? How many hours per day?


Since I came in Credit Private and with all my writtens complete, I was not studying as much as others. I’d say on average I was studying 3 hours outside of the training center. However, I was in on the weekends or when the weather was bad to just sim and practice myself. I found this really useful in my success while a student at ATP.


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How long would you estimate you studied for each written before you started? If I were planning out a number of days/weeks to devote to each test?


If you study consistently daily, I’d allocate 2 weeks for most exams. The IRA is the biggest test bank with the toughest material, so maybe 3 weeks for that one.


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I’d second what @Hannah said, approximately 2 weeks. It took me longer for my IRA because I was struggling to understand the question rather than doing the rote memorization method and then learn it later.



I respectfully disagree with both my peers. EVERYONE learns differently. Study as long as it takes you to get the material down well. Ive seen people take days, some take weeks, some months.

Do what YOU need to do.




I’m starting the program July 11th in Trenton so I don’t have as much experience with studying in the program. However, with the exams I plan on taking my PAR exam soon, took me about 3 weeks to consistently get in the mid 90’s scores. I’ve started studying for my IFR exam (whether I’m ready to take it by my start date I’m not sure) but I want to get a significant head start on it since it’s a huge bank.

With all that said, while I wasn’t studying for the PAR exam I was watching the Elevate videos and reading parts of my training supplement. The videos took some time away from studying for the exam so it’s partially why it took me longer.

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Have you taken the PAR yet? If you need any help in scheduling or getting an endorsement, reach out to the training center or training support team and we can get you taken care of. I would not sit on the knowledge to long if you’re scoring in the mid 90’s consistently, that’s good.

I’m happy to hear you’re taking initiative to get a head start on both PAR and IRA before your start date, plenty of time to get PAR and IRA (along with FII) out of the way before July 11th. Even if you can get the PAR done ahead of time, I promise you that you will be happy with the decision to get it out of the way.



I’ve not taken it yet. I’ve been emailing with training support and sent them my scores. They said they can’t give me with an endorsement yet because I haven’t completely finished all the Elevate videos in the private pilot section (around 15 more to complete).

So I’m pushing through those as we speak so I can get that endorsement asap. For the IRA, I’m about 25% through the question bank. With it being a big question bank, do you think I’ll be able to take it before if I study it daily?

I really appreciate your guidance Brady! I’m really looking forward to meeting you. Sad to hear you’ll be leaving soon but congratulations on getting to the airlines!


Put your focus towards the PAR, you want to ensure you score well there - if it takes a week to get that completed, that’s a week of success. Do what you need to do for success. Coming in with the PAR will be a huge sigh of relief during your first phase of training as you try to adapt into the student lifestyle and learn how to fly an airplane.

For the IRA I think if you set yourself goals to complete a section a day, that it can be done prior to July 11th; however, you want to get good scores so take your time if you have too. When I was studying for my IRA, it took so long because I was working full-time, participating in my firefighting classes and officiating soccer so I only got to study 1-2 hours a night. Maybe you can do it though? That will be for you to determine.


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