Weight/ Progress Updates

Hey guys, March 1st update, this month was very slow. I’m still eating good and going to the gym maybe 3 times a week. Currently at 312. I didn’t lose anything in February witch really sucks, but I have 3 months left. I am going to see a professional tomorrow (Wednesday) to see what I can change to lose the weight. I am planning on taking weight loss pills. It is a 0 carb diet so it will be hard, but I know I can do it. This month WILL be the biggest month I’ve had throughout this weight loss journey. I was talking to an ATP student in Nashville and he said they let him in at 265, but he couldn’t fly until he reached 250. 250 is still my goal though. Thank you all for the support and helping me through this. I really don’t know if I could stick with it without you guys. Just thinking about being in the 200’s the next time I talk to you guys in a month just gets me really excited to lose this weight. Again, thank you all so much!



I like this post, much more positive! You may not have lost but you didn’t gain. More important if you’re hitting the gym and getting healthier that’s huge. Don’t forget you’re probably gaining muscle while losing fat so there’s a good chance you will plateau until that new muscle starts burning more fat.

Keep it up! Especially the positivity! Keep us posted!


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You’re still moving in the right direction! Making healthier choices and continuing your commitment to the gym. Sometimes you just need a fresh perspective to relight that fire. I hope your visit with the weight loss professional helps you find new techniques that work for you. Weight loss is unfortunately not always a linear path. You’ll hit a plateau and when you push through and keep at it, your body will start to respond again. I too love the positivity. Keep it up! We’re all rooting for you!

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Hey guys, these past 2 or 3 days I really just got complacent. I was happy that I lost that much, and I’ve messed up. I ate out with the family 3 days ago then it just kept spiraling. Instead of eating some grilled chicken at home I went and got Sonic or some other unhealthy foods these past couple of days. I’m making this to hold myself accountable and to make a promise that I will not eat again until I get to 250 pounds. I know I can do it. I’m now realizing this thread isn’t just for me. I don’t want someone that is in the same shoes that I am to read all these posts and see that I failed. It is starting again today and it won’t stop until I step foot into ATP on my start day. Thank you guys so much for the support and I won’t let you guys down!

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It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up. - Vince Lombardi


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Each day is a chance for a restart. Let those days go and focus on today. One meal at a time, one day at a time.

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We are here to support you, but let me be clear that you are not letting us down so don’t put that on yourself. What you are doing is hard enough as it is.

This is your personal journey and the journey will not be linear. Remember it’s not about how you start, but how you finish.

Reflect on your setbacks, but don’t dwell on them. Learn from them and move on.

If you feel like this is too hard to tackle alone, there are professionals out there that can help. Remember this isn’t just about losing weight. It’s also about adapting to a sustainable lifestyle that you will be able to maintain throughout your career.



It might be helpful to join a gym and get a personal trainer and possibly talk to a nutritional specialist. It’s hard to do these things alone and having some help from professionals might get you over the hump. Just a suggestion. Maybe even a friend that could help encourage you and go to the gym with you. An accountability partner. Wishing you well! Stick with it. You can do it!

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Hey guys. Alright. This month sucked. Just going to put that out there first. This is going to be long.

The first 2 weeks of this month was great. I got down to 301 pounds! But… My father told me he wouldn’t co-sign on the flight school loan (because I just am not a good son… but let’s not get into that) I was heart broken. I was honestly really depressed for the next 2 weeks. I wasn’t looking into the future. I didn’t think I had any way to get into ATP. I fell back into my old eating habits, but it was worse than it was a couple months ago. Eating was the only thing that made me not think about my problems.

But, me and my mom sat down and talked about my options.

Option 1: Work as a dominoes delivery driver for the next 3 years and build credit. (Definite not go)

Option 2: Go to embry riddle university/4 year flight program. Yep, I said it. I would be able to get financing, but $350,000 is a donkey ton of money. I definitely don’t want to do this, but it is an option.

Option 3: Go to local community college for 1 semester then my mom will co-sign on the loan if I have above a B-average and hardly any tardies or absences. This is definitely the choice I chose.

So my plan is to get some basic college credits out of the way for 1 semester. (I already have 1 college credit from a dual credit class at my high school) In December, if all goes to plan, my mom will go-sign on the loan and my start date will be early January 2023. I definitely don’t like this option, but it is the best option for my future.

So about my weight. Again, these past 2 weeks have absolutely sucked. I am sitting at 315 pounds right now. But… there is a 8 week weight loss challenge from 1UP Nutrition giving $10,000 away to the 1st place. Then the top 5 get $5k down to $1k. I am going to do it. This past couple of days I have gotten back into the routine of eating good and doing cardio at the gym. April 4th is the first day of the challenge. I will post before and after pictures at the end of the challenge. (Even though I am very insecure about my body, but that will just push me to do better)

“Airplanes don’t have mirrors because what’s behind you isn’t nearly as important as what is ahead.” One of you posted that above and it is really hitting me now. I can’t be stuck on the ground and have a plane fly over me while I’m working. I just can’t. This past month sure has been a roller coaster, but I will learn from it. I learned a lot.

I really appreciate the support from you guys. It’s really getting me kind of emotional right now. I know, embarrassing, haha. Each one of you is helping me every day with your words and I just really appreciate it. Evan out.



First, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. As we’ve been saying this stuff is hard. That brings me to my next point/concern. Flight training is also very challenging. To train with ATP you not only have to hit 250, you need to stay there. I’m not a therapist but like many people you’re clearly an emotional eater. Difference is you want to fly for a living and this is a career that has a very integral physical component. Long after your training you’ll need to get a yearly medical. Weight issues lead to other health concerns. If your BMI is high your AME can send you for sleep apnea testing. Test positive and that opens another can of worms etc etc.

My point is this is really something you need to get better control over. It’s not simply hitting the number its about far more. That’s why I like option 3. Put this on the back burner for a little bit. Work on your education (which is always a good thing) AND work on your health. Obviously it’s important regardless of what you do but if you really aspire to fly (which I believe you do) it’s critical.

Be well, get back on the horse and try and cut yourself some slack.


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Adam, that is really what I was working on for a while. I was getting it pretty good at eating healthy with no high carb foods or drinks at all. I know I’ve got to stay below 250 and I know that once I get back on track, there’s no stopping me :slight_smile: I’m glad I have more time now to focus on losing weight in a healthy way instead of just hardly eating. Can’t wait until the next update.

I think option three is a good plan. You need your degree for the future airline career plus you need a little more time to focus on your health. It sounds like that plan will knock out “two birds with one stone.” You want a lifestyle shift not just a temporary drop on the scale. That takes time and diligence and a real change in habits. That doesn’t happen overnight. Take a deep breath. Give yourself a little grace and know that you can do this! It’s not a setback just a shift in priorities.

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Hey guys, May 1st update. Things have been going good. I will be graduating high school this month. I think i will be taking your advice, I will be going to a local community college for a year and build up funds so I have a better chance at getting it approved with a large down payment. It’s not what I want, but it is my best option.

My weight is doing good. Now that I have time, I am going to focus on building muscle as well as losing fat. I am at 305 right now. My fat % is still going down, and muscle is going up.

I am not really 100% sure what is going to happen in the next year or 2, but I do know that I will be at ATP even if I have to save and pay cash. I can’t really see myself having any other job that’s not at 35,000 feet. Heck, I even spent $100 at the carnival to have that feeling of being off the ground. haha. I really do appreciate you guys and your advice. I am very excited for these next parts of life and I am really glad I have you guys here for help.

Edit: I will be going to the community college for 1 semester first. If everything is in place; weight, staying under weight, funds, and some other small stuff, then I will apply for the loan with my mom as the co-signer. My credit score is 725 (will be 19 y/o0 and hers is in the 760’s (41 y/o) so I am not sure about the approval odds. If it gets approved, then ATP here I come, but if not, then I will finish the year of college.



I absolutely admire your ambitions and really see you having no difficulty in the fast paced program. I think your community college plan is a great idea. As far as ATPs funding is, there are two options depending on your state. Sallie Mae and Meritize. Sallie Mae is your traditional loan program that is based off credit and your risk portfolio. Meritize, if it is offered in your state, may be a viable option after you do some time at the community college as they weigh your reliability on the success of your endeavors. With multiple degrees and licenses, Meritize was actually able to provide me with an APR that was much lower than Sallie Mae. So its definitely something to consider.

As far as weight, muscle building is great, just make sure its proportional to fat loss or you’ll end up ballooning in weight due to the density of muscle. Don’t let that be a deterrent if you do see that as its typically momentary. A 100lb journey is bound to have some plateaus, so don’t get discouraged!

I can’t wait to see your progress in a few months!


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Here’s some old man knowledge for you, NO ONE is 100% sure what’s going to happen in the next year, next month, next week, or even tomorrow. All you can do is your best, have a plan and hope it goes the way you like.

Sounds like you’re back on track which is fantastic and you’ve got a good plan. By my count you’ve had more good months than bad and that in and of itself is an accomplishment worth being proud of. Keep your eye on your goal and keep marching towards it. I promise you there will be hiccups (we ALL have them), but that’s life and that’s ok.

Keep up your good work and keep us posted.


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Hey this is a great update! Graduating high school is a major milestone for this time in your life. You’ve been balancing a lot and still able to graduate and make a really solid plan towards the future.

College is another box to check in terms of building a future airline application. Plus the experience you have will enhance your study skills which will be absolutely crucial towards success in the fast track program.

Remember, all of this is to build healthy habits for life, not just a drop in the number on a scale. You’re doing great. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.


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It’s always a pleasure to hear from you, I look forward to seeing your progress and motivation for reaching your dreams. Graduating High School is a huge accomplishment in our growth as young adults, it’s the steppingstone to the next phase, adulthood. I can remember walking across the stage thrilled I would never have to sit through another English class again…I was wrong, I did a few Business English classes in College. :sweat_smile: :joy:

Going to Community College is a great steppingstone for your journey, try to get as much accomplished as you can now. You will meet a lot of new friends at College. Continue working hard and always pushing ahead, good things will come with time. Well done for getting back on track Evan!


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Hey guys, June 1st update. Just graduated high school. The only thing i really remember is shaking my principals hand and how much i wanted to go to the after party later that night. hahaha. Things have been going really good. My savings account is steady growing (making about $350 a week and saving about $200 a week. At this rate, I will have a good emergency fund during ATP) while working as a dominoes delivery driver. I may find another little side hustle in the mornings to make the number grow.

My weight is doing really good. I am sitting at 295 lbs right now. Over half way!! (started at 350 and need to get to 250) WooooPWoooopPP I am building muscle and losing fat, but it really isn’t as fast as I want it to be. I know I am on the right track though, and there’s no stopping.

I am still going to the local community college for a semester. Already have my dorm reserved and going to schedule classes the 7th. Really excited about that. They also have a nice gym on campus so that is really cool.

Again, I really appreciate all of you. I really don’t think I would be as excited about my future if I didn’t know pilots were this cool! hahaha. Can’t wait until the next update!

Evan Jones


Very nice Evan!

Congrats on graduating HS! While this is pretty common accomplishment, the fact is not everybody does so kudos. Under 300 is a big one too! In the words of Bon Jovi, “ohhhh you’re half way there” as is the job and savings. Sounds like all the pieces are coming together.

Not to be negative, but as you know, sometimes things don’t always continue so smoothly (but that’s ok). Just keep your eye on the prize and moving forward and you’ll get there.

Thanks for the update,


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Congrats on graduating High School! It sounds like you found a source of income which is great for someone that is just graduating high school. Setting yourself a goal of an emergency fund is something that I did before attending ATP, so you’re setting up good.

You’re making wonderful progress towards your goals of 250 LBs! Keep your head down and don’t give up, there will be tough days, power through them and work towards your dreams.


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