A New Student

Hi Guys,
What advice will you give a 38yrs that is new in America but want to become a pilot. I do not have any background or experience in flying and no credit score.


You should start by taking an intro flight to make sure you have a realistic idea of what training will be like. It’s very different than riding in the back of an Airbus. Then start saving and building credit. You’ll also need to work towards a permanent resident status (green card). You’ll need that to work as an airline pilot here in the states.


Thank You Hannah. Already working towards on getting the green card. Do you know how many months will it take me to get a good credit? and what if i have a cosigner?



You also don’t mention your status here in the US. You should know to work as a pilot and do advanced training you need to either be a citizen or have permanent resident status.


This is directly from our admissions department:

Co-signers definitely help getting approved.


I am still outside the USA but i will be coming in with a permanent resident status.

Thank you Hannah

Of course, that’s what we’re here for. Let us know if you have any other questions!


Hi Everyone,
I tooked the bold step and applied to ATP. I got the expected reply that I should get my PPL before reaaplying. I will like to be recommended to a good aviation school in Louisville so that I can get my PPL within 3 to 4 Months.



That is a tough one as none of us are from Saint Louis. I would go check out several schools and see which one has the best operation.


Oh!! My bad. It is Lousiville,Kentucky not Saint Louis.


Sorry, I read the post wrong. Long night.

Same answer applies though.


Whether you’re attending a location in Louisville or Maine, we can’t provide you an answer as to “what is the best flight school to get your PPL done in 3-4 months.”

My question to you, what’s preventing you from attending ATP from Zero Time?


I applied, did a phone interview, but i do not have the PPL. I already envisage a rejection based on what i have been reading here that PPL is now part of the requirement.

“This may be good news for you though! If you obtain a Private Pilot’s license, the duration of our Airline Career Pilot Program is reduced to five months and a cost reduction of $21,000. While we’re unable to proceed with your immediate enrollment, we would be happy to reconsider your application upon the attainment of your private pilot certificate. Given the timeline until our next available class and a prerequisite of a Private Pilot License (PPL), it might be best to utilize this time to acquire your PPL independently. This proactive approach would enhance your qualifications and present a stronger case for your future application.”

The quoted message was what I got from the admission office. So I want to get the PPL and reaaply again.



That makes sense then, everyone is different, so I thought I’d dig a little. :slight_smile:

However, obtaining your PPL outside of training, I would ensure you can fly at least 3 days consistently a week, factoring in some ground lessons too. The more, the merrier.



Start with a good ol’ google search and google maps to find the local flight schools in your area. Then visit each one armed with a good set of questions. Lucky for you, Chris already compiled a great list to help prospective students like you. Check it out:


Thank you all. I will soon come back with updated information.